Welcome to my new website! Alchemy of Awakening

I am excited to be stepping forth into my new calling, and I am finally ready to share it with you. It has been brewing inside me these past years, as a whisper from my soul, and has not let me go, even through the recent long dark night which I now see was a deepening into the new work that I am offering.

Are you passionate about Awakening?

I have long been passionate about Awakening, ever since I began my spiritual journey in my early twenties. Nothing in this world has fulfilled or satisfied this deep longing in my soul.

I have traveled all over the world, sat with many masters and wise beings, drinking in the various flavors of Truth they offer. I have also sat for thousands of hours in meditation, done every workshop under the sun and trained in many methods of body/mind/heart practices to refine my own consciousness and assist others to do the same, so that we may all share a more harmonious experience of living life as a loving presence on the Planet.

Alchemy is about the transmutation of ego into Essence. 

The Alchemy is about being willing to face, feel and free the many parts of ourselves that have been judged and exiled, often pushed
into the shadows of our psyche where they wreak havoc. Through creating a container for all parts to be held, healed and transformed, we can welcome all aspects of ourselves back into the wholeness of who we are.  We become integrated and authentic in our expression and experience of living, and aligned with the Grace that wants to be known at this time. This is the healing balm for so much depression, anxiety and sense of something being wrong or missing from our lives.

So this is the Alchemy of Awakening: a deep honoring of
the richness of our unique Soul’s expression. 

In fact, the wounds we carry are the very means by which our Soul is carving out our personal path to awakening. If only we can bless these wounds rather than wanting to get rid of them or change them, they can lead us into a deeper intimacy with who we are and the unique gift we came here to bring.

Whatever is your particular portal, whether it is grief, loss, shame, anxiety or depression; it can be a relief and relaxation to accept them rather than thinking you’ll be whole and complete once you get rid of these painful emotions. This is the alchemy that I am talking about; to embrace everything as an opportunity to love yourself and come home to who you truly are. No more fixing, no more self-improvement. Just a moment-to-moment curiosity in how your own Soul is guiding the way, giving you the potential for a fully embodied, deeply compassionate and constantly unfolding experience of Awakening.

The more we embrace both the light and the shadow within, the more we are able to hold the process of the Planet waking up, as we hospice the death of the old and midwife the birth of the new, both within us and in our world.

My Approach is that of a Soul midwife. In my counseling sessions, retreats, and workshops, I am honored to support you to turn towards what the Soul wants you to know about who you truly are. To have your wounds not so much be fixed (which implies being broken) but to have those wounds blessed as an integral part of your Soul’s unfolding

I have always included Rites of Passage in my work, honoring the full spectrum of our human experience, where you will directly experience the Alchemy of Awakening, as you turn the baser elements into gold, embracing your full humanity in order to know your full divinity, nothing left out. There is something so compelling when I see someone embrace the totality of their experience, having the courage to be fully, authentically, unabashedly
who they are.

Let me ask you this: 

What is the wound that appears to be in the way,   but may actually be a doorway?

How is your own Soul showing you the way?

I will be sharing my findings with you in my newsletters, blogs and facebook live broadcasts. We are all on this incredible journey together. Welcome to the Alchemy of Awakening! Check out my new website. Explore the counseling offers, meditation retreats, as well as the resources page, and lots more!

Come join me on this journey!

If you would like to explore your soul purpose, and want to set up a complimentary discovery session, contact me or text/call 828-435-2280

Many Blessings ~ Rajyo


Love After Love

The time will come,
When with elation,
You will greet yourself

Arriving at your own door, in your own mirror
And each will smile at the other’s welcome,
And you will say, “Sit here. Eat!”

You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
To itself, to the stranger who has loved you
All your life, whom you ignored
For another, who knows you by heart.

Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
The photographs, the desperate notes,
Peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

~Derek Walcott