Authentic Awakening Retreat

In our world today, so filled with technology and political strife, we may have many social media “friends” but many of us feel more isolated and lonely than ever.

Our heads are full of information, but we are more and more disconnected from our physical bodies, the integrity of our hearts and a connection to our divine intelligence. We feel more isolated from others and disconnected from community, and from the energy of life itself.

We fall prey to looking outside of ourselves for answers and a sense of identity. This sets up a sense of inner poverty and lack that we wrongly believe can only be filled when we achieve worldly recognition. And yet, in each one of us there is a wealth of inner knowing that lies untapped.

What happens at the Retreat?

The Authentic Awakening Retreat allows you to live your wild untamed self through discovering your body’s own innate intelligence. Given space and permission a deep unwinding of the false beliefs, outmoded concepts, trapped emotions and stuck energies begins to release, freeing us to be guided and informed by our own deeper wisdom. This gives us access to our own autonomy and authenticity. We learn to trust our own inner knowing, find our voice and express our unique and magnificent potential.

In this retreat we will use  Meditation, Authentic Movement and Walking in your Shoes to tap into our own deeper wisdom. These practices help us become more embodied and in touch with the wealth of wisdom that lies within, beyond our conceptual identity. This brings a new sense of aliveness and trust in who we are in our essence, freeing up the qualities of joy, passion, courage, and inner strength. It is a homecoming in the deepest sense to who you truly are.

Retreat Details:

Retreat dates and times to be determined