about Rajyo

Soul Mentor,
Spiritual Teacher
& Trauma Healer

About Alchemy of Awakening

The journey of awakening is not a transcendence of our humanity, but a wholehearted embrace of all that we are. It's a sacred alchemy, transmuting our wounds into wisdom, our shadows into light. This is the path of the Soul - messy, beautiful, and utterly unique for each of us. With great compassion and skill, Rajyo midwifes this process, supporting you in birthing your most authentic, awakened Self.

Guiding You on the Path of Healing and Awakening

Rajyo's work is deeply rooted in her personal journey of healing and spiritual discovery. Shaped by early loss and a profound longing for the Divine, she immersed herself in the teachings of enlightened mystics, living and studying in ashrams and spiritual communities. Her path has been one of navigating the borderlands between trauma and transformation, excavating the depths of grief to unearth the gold of the True Self.

Rajyo's Approach:

Rajyo's work is founded on the understanding that our deepest pain holds the key to our awakening. With profound empathy and presence, she guides her clients to face their wounds, their sorrow, their shadows - not to become entangled in them, but to transmute them into wisdom, resilience, and a greater capacity for love.

Integrating a rich blend of spiritual wisdom and psychological insight, Rajyo customizes her approach to each individual, respecting the unique landscape of every soul. Whether through deep inquiry, somatic healing, or the transformative power of ritual, she assists her clients in shedding the layers of conditioning to unveil the radiant essence that has always been present.

Client Stories:

"When I first came to Rajyo, I was in pieces. I was grieving the loss of my marriage, struggling with anxiety, and feeling utterly disconnected from myself. Through our work together, I slowly learned to befriend my grief, to soothe my fear, and to trust my own wisdom. Rajyo created a space where I could fall apart and be put back together again, not as I was, but as I was meant to be. She helped me find the courage to face my shadows and the compassion to love all parts of myself. Working with her didn't just change my life; it gave me back my life. I am forever grateful."

- Maria K., Artist and Mother

"Rajyo, her work, her presence and her love have blessed and impacted my life in a way that is beyond words and understanding. To put it simply she turned my world upside down and my quality of life has been enhanced and opened by her radical clear seeing and heart opening tenderness. She called me home with her living invitation to be fully here, embodied, passionate and awake and because of this I remain indebted to her and in love."

~ Gina Holland – UK director and facilitator of Celebration of Being

"I have been working with Rajyo over the past 20 years as a spiritual guide and workshop leader, and I can truly say that she is one of the most authentic and inspirational leaders I have ever met. As someone who is quite skeptical of spiritual leaders, I am struck by Rajyo's complete devotion to serving the Divine, and to being in service to those she supports. Her uncanny ability to see through the layers of the personality and to gently guide a person through some of the most difficult issues of their past are exceptional. She leads with tenderness and love and has helped thousands of men and women heal their wounds and open up to a much more vibrant life. I recommend her highly."

~ Mary O'Connor – Business coach

The Alchemy of Awakening (www.alchemyofawakening.net) assists individuals in awakening to a deeper level of Soulfulness and spiritual maturity in this pivotal moment in history. Rajyo's profound passion is to help people live a more embodied, heart-centered, and authentic life, and to restore a sense of the Sacred to our world.

Rajyo also leads meditation retreats and personally tailored retreats for individuals seeking a reset in their life. Some of the modalities she offers in her retreats include:

  • Transformational Coaching

  • Spiritual Counseling

  • Trauma Healing & Somatic Experiencing

  • Rites of Passage

  • Grief Work

  • Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Breathwork

  • Yoga