Meditation, Spiritual Counseling & Trauma Healing

Awaken to your soul's potential with compassionate guidance

Transformative Programs and Services

Awakening Consciousness Retreats
Immerse yourself in a nurturing environment surrounded by like-minded individuals. Transformative retreats offer a unique blend of meditation, self-inquiry, and experiential exercises designed to dissolve limiting beliefs and awaken your true nature.

One-on-One Mentorship
Receive personalized guidance from Rajyo herself. Through deep self-exploration and tailored practices, you'll gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and cultivate a profound connection with your authentic self.

Contact Rajyo for more information.

A feminine, inclusive approach to spiritual awakening,

Using life's challenges as opportunities for transformation

Embrace your humanity. Awaken your divinity

Mission Statement

At the heart of Rajyo's work is a deep commitment to awakening the wisdom, love, and power inherent in every human soul. Through compassionate presence and skillful guidance, she supports individuals in navigating life's challenges, healing old wounds, and aligning with their deepest truth.

Rajyo's mission is to create a sacred space where transformation can unfold, where the alchemy of spirit and psyche can work its magic, and where each person can discover the gold of their own being.

Read more about private sessions with Rajyo here.

Inspirational daily quotes to light your way…

Dear Friend,

Welcome to this sacred space. If you've found your way here, it's likely because your soul is stirring, whispering its longing for healing, for meaning, for a deeper way of being alive. Know that you are in the right place. Know that you are held in love.

This journey of awakening is not always easy, but it is infinitely worthwhile. It asks us to be profoundly honest, to face our shadow, to let our old identities die so that our true Self can be born. It invites us into the unknown, into the mystery of our own being.

But you do not walk this path alone. I am here as a guide, a companion, and a witness. I offer my own journey, my training, and my presence in service of your unfolding. Together, let us listen to the wisdom of your soul and honor its unique path to wholeness.

Wherever you are on your journey, know that you are welcome here. Know that you belong. And know that the love and wisdom you seek are already within you, waiting to be discovered.

With all my heart,


Rajyo’s memoir!
Now Available

Work with Rajyo

In these challenging times, many of us are grappling with big questions and seeking wisdom to navigate life's struggles.

If you feel a stirring within, a longing to heal old wounds and awaken to your soul's true calling, you're in the right place.

With love, compassion and deep presence, Rajyo offers a safe space to connect with your essence and discover your unique gifts.