Individual 1:1 Counseling Sessions with Rajyo

Loss of a job, livelihood, status, home, loved ones, and community can be unsettling and destabilizing, bringing with it a whole array of psychological issues, such as fear, isolation, loneliness, anxiety and depression. Not to mention sometimes-overwhelming feelings of sorrow, grief, pain, hurt, anger and shame that further challenge our sense of self.

But you don’t need to walk the path alone.

Rajyo is a skilled and empathic guide on your journey. Having experienced many fierce rites of passage herself, she is able to listen deeply to the often confusing and conflicting experiences that true growth and awakening entail.

Trauma Healing with Somatic Experiencing (SE)
Grief and Loss Counseling
Relationship Counseling with Compassionate Communication

As we are being asked to let go of much that is familiar, it can be immensely helpful to receive support and guidance along the way, so that we can learn to love and accept ALL of who we are, and embrace life from a more resilient and resourced place.

In her 1:1 counseling sessions she can assist you in metabolizing and integrating your life experience. Through her long-term counseling and coaching background, she can help you navigate the way forward.

Rajyo holds everything in the larger perspective of your Soul’s awakening. When seen from the context of your essential wholeness, you can develop confidence in the unique unfolding of your own life path, and learn to relax and trust in the many ups and downs and twists and turns of the journey of awakening, with a peaceful mind, an open heart and an unconditional YES to Life.