• This CD has been the reason I have been able to build my meditation practice from scratch. More than anything else, I find myself listening to this CD each morning as soon as I wake, and doing this has brought more love, more balance and more peace to my life than I ever imagined possible before I began my meditation practice. Now I travel to work each morning loving being alive and when challenges and problems inevitably arise I have so much more patience and perspective to help me through. I have meditated with this CD for only 6 months and in just that short time it has been instrumental in allowing me arrive at some of my most important realisations about my life.
  • "Sitting silently, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself,.." ~ Zen proverb Sitting Silently is a guided Meditation to help you develop or deepen your meditation practice. With very clear and simple instructions from the Buddhist Tradition, it will help you to arrive and settle on your meditation cushion, focus on watching your breath and begin to become the witness of your inner experience. There are also two bonus tracks of music that you can use once you feel comfortable to simply sit and meditate to. "This is another AWESOME meditation CD Rajyo, thank you! You have helped me take my meditation practice on to another level in only the very short time I have been using this CD. And the music is perfect! I find it so easy to arrive at a fully conscious yet still state while listening to this CD. Thank you for all that you have put into these new recordings, I am looking forward to listening to them for many, many mornings to come!” ~R.L.
  • "Healing the Heart of the World" an ancient Tibetan Meditation, which has been called Atisha’s heart meditation or Tonglen, (“giving and taking”) where we take in the suffering of others and we give our love and compassion. It is a powerful practice that can heal our own negative karma and help reduce the suffering in the world. This also contains a bonus track from Miten called Native Son.


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